
Characteristic medieval village with the impressive Cathedral of St. Peter overlooking the sea, the Lord Byron Grotto and its islands Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the Cinque Terre.

La Spezia

The capital of the Gulf of Poets (Golfo dei Poeti), surrounded by coastal towns such as Lerici, Fiascherino and Tellaro, fantastic villages frequented by poets and writers such as Shelley, Byron and Lawrence, to name but a few. La Spezia is a maritime city with an arsenal, military port and museums dedicated to the Renaissance (Museo Lia) and contemporary art (Museo CAMec).

Cinque Terre ( the 5 countries)

Rio Maggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso the heritage of “UNESCO, small villages by the sea, where a precious white wine and the famous Sciacchetrà (sweet passito wine) are cultivated on the terraced mountains”. In Monterosso stayed for a long time Eugenio Montale Nobel Prize for Poetry, “Ossi di seppia”. All countries are in a marine park sanctuary for whales.

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